Research laboratories

Laboratories and equipment

Research of structural features of materials, microparticles in transmitted and reflected light. Acquisition of digital images of samples.

Determination of the elemental and phase composition of rocks, metals and alloys, polymers and petroleum products. Analysis of structural features of coatings, layer-by-layer phase analysis of multilayer structures.
Determination of strength, moisture, water absorption, frost resistance, materials. Determination of the true and apparent density and porosity of bulk materials. Determination of the hardness of metals and alloys.
Determination of the elemental, quantitative and qualitative composition of organic and inorganic substances. Measurement of the optical density of samples.
Analysis of the behavior of various materials during heating. Research of the composition of complex multicomponent mixtures and materials.
Analysis of complex multicomponent mixtures, determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of organic substances in pharmaceuticals, medicine, chemical production.

Determination of the elemental and chemical composition of a material surface with high locality and information depth in several atomic monolayers. Research of nanoscale fine structure elements.

Transfer of a sample into a form suitable for subsequent analysis, a state of the substance for microscopy, chromatography, mass spectrometry, X-ray analysis, physical and mechanical tests.

A key feature of the Centre is the concentration in one place of analytical and technological equipment and competencies for incubating small innovative companies (marketing, management and information support).

The equipment of the Centre ensures the implementation of the entire complex of technological processes from laboratory work in the framework of applied developments to the creation of prototypes and small-scale production of experimental batches of samples, including the control of raw materials and ecology.

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