27 july 2015

The idea of the project is to show a visitor the whole variety of interiors that can be realized from 363 items from the IKEA catalog. The starting point for the demonstration of one of the 227 of the interiors is the weather outside.

Its original interior corresponds to each unique combination of five states of precipitation outside the window, thirteen temperature intervals and two times of day. If the weather forecast announces rain, snow or fog, they will be outside the room with another interior from IKEA.

A huge amount of hard work was performed by the content department of SmartHead. Each image of the interior were stamped tags commodity so that when you resize the browser window or screen resolution, product descriptions do not overlap each other. The price of the project is always relevant, as is daily updated with the API.

The musical design of the project was made by the composer Konstantin Chubakov. What the user will hear on the website depends upon the weather condition in his or his chosen city.

The main melody, the substrate is always constant. Depending on weather parameters: humidity, wind speed, pressure, precipitation and temperature, it is added to the substrate five samples with different levels of sound. As a result, almost every time, the user hears the original sound track, which corresponds to ta combination of these weather characteristics.

Material: https://smarthead.ru

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