11 september 2013

On September 12, BulgarPromo Company, a resident of Technopark “Idea”, with the support of Agency “Dar Link Idea” will hold in Technopark “Idea” a training workshop on the Internet marketing tools use. The workshop will increase a competitive ability in the economic crisis.   

The first workshops will be devoted to the sales risk management. According to BulgarPromo Director Rustem Garaev, the improvement of sales performance in a crisis is a matter of survival. “Therefore, we will discuss how to assess market size and possibilities that exist in the company, - he said. - Participants will be seriously surprised when they see how many potential customers they are losing by not using the potential”.    

The workshop will be attended by Company's Chief Executive, sales managers, sales executive focused on improving the company performance efficiency through the system using the whole range of internet marketing tools. 

The workshop participants will learn:

  • how to determine the current Ruble demand for the Company’s products or services within your economic management area in a few minutes;
  • how to determine the number of lost customers due to the imperfect sales system;
  • how to generate financial goals to increase sales;
  • how to identify a key constraint on the growth of your Company’s cash flow;
  • how to create the sales improvement plan making possible to achieve the intended purpose;
  • how to increase the volume of visitors;
  • how to convert visitors into the application;
  • what can be countered with deficit in top sales managers;
  • how to make a transparent work of application service managers;
  • how to raise the competence and performance of application service managers by many times.

The workshop will include the following items:

  • use of Internet statistics and Internet metrics to evaluate the money market capacity and the enterprise capacity;
  • difference between the manager’s technology work and guerrilla style;
  • benefits from the implementation of internet marketing tools.

The workshop date: September 12, at 04:00 p.m.

The workshop address: room 304, Technopark “Idea”, 50 Peterburgskaya Str., Kazan.

For registration please contact the manager by phone.

Contact telephone numbers:

8 9061123006, (843) 524 73 75 (Denis Gilmullin).

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