15 august 2013

IKRa School (Moscow) will hold an intensive course “Interactive Communications in Advertising “IKRa” in the Centre “Clever Coworking” (31, Karim Tinchurin Str.) from August 23 to August 24, 2013. The workshop will be organized in Kazan by Digital Production Company SmartHead, a resident of Technopark “Idea”.  

According to organizers, the course is designed for those who want to undertake an internship in the most demanded questions and duties of SMM-experts in advertising, creative, digital agencies, as well as client-side PR and marketing experts. The intensive course participants will gain skills, knowledge, system and tools to plan a comprehensive strategy for a brand presence in the social media. 

The intensive program includes: introduction to the course, project immersion course, competitor analysis and brand audit, SMM creative brief, SMM role modeling, content-plan preparation, SM content and creativity features, SM promotion, KPI and cost.  

The intensive course consists of lectures, workshops, master classes and practicums.   

Maxim Yurin – Director of Social Media Marketing of the Top Russian Digital Agency “Red Keds” holds master classes.


If you have any questions on the Intensive course, you can contact Master Class Methodist Maxim Busarev by phone: +7 917 394 86 63 or by e-mail:


The event partners:


 The Course Detailed Program: (

You can register for a course at IKRa School web site. (

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