From 27 of September to 4 of October Innovative Technopark “Idea” took part in business trip journey in the European BIC Network (EBN).

15 october 2008

Non commercial organization “Union of Russia Innovative Technological Centers” (Russia Union ITC) was organizer of trip in the European BIC Network. 21 innovative technological centers from 8 Russian Federation regions which include Technopark “Idea” are founders of Union ITC.

Union ITC jointly with the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical field organized competition among Russian Innovative Technological Centers – members of Union ITC for participation in the trip. Innovative Technopark “Idea” received a grant for participation in EBN trip which include visit of European Space Agency (ESTEC) and its incubators, Space Expo Centre (Nordvik), HERACLES Centre (Belgium), Henri Tudor Public Research Centre (Luxemburg), Frankfurt Hochst Industrial Park (Germany), CIDE-SOCRAN Centre (Belgium), Crealys technological Park (BEP Namur).

Delegation also included close corporation “Voronezh Innovative Technological Centre”, scientific park Lomonosov MSU, non commercial partnership “Kaliningrad Innovative Technological Centre”, “Ural Regional Technology Transfer Center”, “Innovative Management Centre” close corporation, non commercial partnership “Russian Technology Transfer Network” , non commercial organization “Union of Russia Innovative Technological Centers” , Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Institute of Space Device Engineering” , Kama Industrial Park “Master” and non commercial organization “Alabuga Fund” .

Within the bounds of visit Business and Innovative Centers which are located in BelgiumHolland, Luxemburg andGermany were presented to Russian delegation. Representatives of Russian Innovative Technological Centers exchanged experiences with foreign colleagues in the field of innovative business support, presented their regional Innovative Technological Centers and also carried on negotiations about subsequent joint cooperation.

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