Technopark “Idea” will advise innovators on how to fill out a grant application

6 october 2016

The Foundation of Assistance for Innovation receives bids on the competition “DEVELOPMENT-NTI”. Grant amount is up to 20 million rubles.

The aim of the competition is to support forward-looking R&D in order to implement the action plans (“roadmaps”) of the National Technology Initiative.

To participate in the contest it is necessary to provide works until 11:30 pm (GMT) on 30 October 2016 one of the following areas:

  • AeroNet (air transport) - the market of distributed systems of unmanned aerial vehicles, allowing to merge aircraft into a single network and to ensure the safety of the airspace;
  • AutoNet (automobile transport) - the market of unmanned vehicles. It is based on the development of sensor systems, software for the recognition of road scenes and road transport management.
  • MariNet (marine transport) - the market of marine intelligent systems, which involves several interrelated segments: digital navigation, innovative shipbuilding, technologies of ocean resources development, space and satellite technology.
  • NeuroNet (neurocommunication) - the market of man-machine communication means, based on advanced developments in neurotechnology and increasing the productivity of human-machine systems, mental performance and mental processes.
  • EnergyNet – the market of equipment, software, engineering and maintenance services for multi-scale integrated systems and services for intelligent energy (subject to the approval of this road map to 30/09/2016).

To apply you can through an automated system at:

If you have questions about current contests, the application procedure, you can contact Technopark “Idea” by phone: +7 (843) 570-68-50 (ext.93-24).

Read more about markets, participants and technologies, the boundaries of which include NTI, please visit the website of NTI

The main parameters of support provided:

  • Amount of grant – up to 20 million rubles;
  • Extra-budgetary funding (at the expense of their own or borrowed funds) - at least 30% of the amount of the grant;
  • The direction of support - implementation of R&D (salaries, raw materials, supplies, components and third-party services);
  • R&D performance term – 12-24 months.

Following enterprises have higher chances to receive support:

  • successfully producing its own high-tech products;
  • which have a positive economic and financial history;
  • which have a protected intellectual property on the subject of the project.

Link to the regulations of the competition “Development-NTI”

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