“Idea-1000” has gained momentum

14 september 2016

We invite ideological and initiative people to participate in the program of innovative projects development “Idea-1000”. Victory in the program will allow to attract financing for the project. For participation please apply at the XII Republican contest “Fifty Best Innovative Ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan”. Works are accepted in two categories:

  • “START–I”, where annually are selected up to 30 applications for performing research and development work. The winners will receive funding in the amount of up to 3 million rubles (up to 2 million rubles from the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation and up to 1 million rubles from IVF RT).
  • “START–II”, where annually are selected up to 10 applications for performing research and development work. Mandatory requirements of the category are the existence of an investor and a business plan. The winners will receive funding in the amount of up to 5 million rubles (up to 3 million rubles from the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation and up to 2 million rubles from IVF RT).

Note that applications will be accepted until October 15, 2016.

Get advice on the participation in the competition can be in Technopark “Idea” in the Department of innovation programs development:

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