Tatarstan and the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation signed an agreement on cooperation

9 september 2016

The signing of the Agreement on cooperation between the Republic of Tatarstan, the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere and the representative of the Foundation in Tatarstan was held in Kazan on 8 September 2016. Signatures under the document were put by the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, CEO of the Foundation Sergey Polyakov and the representative of the Foundation in the Republic of Tatarstan, CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko. The signing took place in the Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism in the framework of the Forum of Small and Medium-sized Business “Looking into the future”.

Under the agreement, the Foundation is obliged to support advanced research and technological development of Tatarstan scientists, as well as innovative products that are at the early stages of development, subject to its victory in the competitions organized by the Foundation.

For its part, Tatarstan, in particular, will support small businesses to establish direct scientific and technical relations with foreign partners in priority areas of scientific and technical development.

The agreement is valid for 5 years.

For reference:

The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere is state non-profit organization. It is one of the three public research funds. The Foundation is represented in 68 regions of the country.

Text: Press Service of Technopark “Idea”

Photo: Press Service of RT President

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