Сompetition on 3D geometrical solid modeling is taking place in the Technopark “IDEA”.

16 november 2007

The Competition is carried out by Kazan State Technological University every year. This year it is held for the sixth time and organized with support of Technopark “IDEA”.

Approximately 50 students of the first and second course of IT faculty took part in the event. Within the Competition they have to perform several tasks of different complexity, from construction the detail models by ready drawings to assembly of constructor by computer program.

While estimating the works, teachers will take into account not only the drawing design that is to meet all standards of Single System of Design Documentation. Students, used the least number of commands of the program, will won in the event.

The Competition will last three days. The final will be on 21th of November.  All students-winners will be rewarded with prizes and two of them will participate in the Second round of All-Russian student competition on the descriptive geometry and engineering drawing on behalf of the University and Tatarstan Republic

Source: tpidea.ru

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