Technopark “Idea” hands over laboratory and industrial complex to “Nanopharma Development”

5 september 2016

Innovative and Production Technopark “Idea” will officially hand over the complex of production and laboratories of pharmaceutical module to the company “Nanopharma Development” on September 8, 2016 at 9.00 am on the territory of Technopolis “Himgrad”. The ceremony will be attended by President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. It is expected that the transfer of the complex will also be attended by Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Gulnaz Kadyrova, Director General of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs Andrei Svinarenko, Director of the Department for Development of Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Olga Kolotilova, Chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC “Izvarino Pharma” Christiaan Thomas, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC “Innovative and Production Technopark “Idea” Ravil Muratov, General Director of “Nanopharma Development” Orest Ibragimov, CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko and other officials.

The new laboratory and production complex is built by Technopark “Idea” with the support of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs of RUSNANO. The complex is equipped with the most modern automated production line that does not require personnel contact with drugs. Here are designed and manufactured innovative drugs and generics, based on the use of biopolymers, micro- and nanoparticles (it provides controlled delivery of molecules of the active substance “targetedly” to the desired organ that allow to minimize side effects and increase the effectiveness of drugs), as well as potent drugs for the treatment of cancer, HIV infection, and drugs used in transplantation.

In the laboratory and production complex the equipment is installed in the insulator version, which in itself is very important. Very few companies with such type and class of equipment are in Russia. Such equipment allows to produce drugs for the treatment of HIV-associated infections, anticancer drugs, drugs for the transplant of organ and tissues. All of these drugs and technologies have been developed from scratch by our research group and we were able to prove complete reproducibility in relation to the import, so-called original drugs. In addition, there have been prepared own patents on many of our recipes, and it has been proved that our products not only in no way inferior to foreign developments, but are created using more modern technology, which at the time of development of original drugs have not yet been. Accordingly, for the country’s budget it will be very significant savings”, - said Orest Ibragimov.

To date, the lab team has already registered three drugs that are included in the list of vital and essential medicines, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2724-p from 26 December 2015:

  • “Tsivalgan” (valganciclovir) is a drug intended for the treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis in AIDS, as well as cytomegalovirus infection following organ transplantation in patients at risk.
  • “Imatinib” is a drug intended for the treatment of leukemia.
  • “Tacrolimus” – the drug has immunosuppressive effect and is used in the treatment and prevention of allograft rejection of hepatic, kidneys, and heart, including resistant to standard immunosuppressive therapy regimes.

Note also that the drugs “Tsivalgan” and “Tacrolimus” were developed in the framework of the state program of the Russian Federation “Development of pharmaceutical and medical industry for 2013-2020”.

Orest Ibragimov, “Nanopharma Development”:

“All of these drugs are included in the list of vital medicines and are purchased with state funds. For example, more than 20 billion rubles are annually allocated for HIV-related diseases. Officially in our country the number of HIV infections is more than 1 million people. In this regard, the issue of import substitution is the key.

Preparations for the transplantation of organs and tissues. Today, in the country there are about 1,000 transplants of organs and tissues, primarily the kidneys, but a real need is ten times more. A large number of patients are on the artificial kidney machine and waiting for their turn for a donor kidney. Specificity is that after an organ transplantation to prevent rejection of the transplant, it is necessary to find a lifelong therapy. Drugs that will be produced by our complex are just for this purpose.

Another direction is anticancer drugs. We will produce the most modern drugs that help to treat chronic myeloid leukemia, breast cancer, prostate cancer, kidney and colon cancer.

In addition, “Nanopharma Development” actively cooperates with leading scientific institutions. In particular, with Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, where is a very strong base in the field of modern biotechnology and cellular technologies. In this direction, we are also looking for approaches to develop a new generation of innovative drugs, for example, targeted therapy of serious diseases of patients. This is a new generation of drugs”.

It is expected that in the future, the complex will produce more than 10 generic drugs for the treatment of socially significant diseases.

In 2017, 49 people will work in the company. In 2020, the staff is expected to increase to 80 people, and the volume of production of drugs – about 600 thousand units per year. Note that thus, the company “Nanopharma Development” becomes an example of the implementation of the decree “On the long-term state economic policy”, under which the country is planned to create and modernize 25 million highly-productive jobs by 2020. We will remind, the decree was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 7 May 2012.

History of the project: on March 26th, 2010 the results of the first open competition for the selection of Nanotechnology Center projects were announced. The contest was conducted by the State Corporation “RUSNANOtech” (OJSC “RUSNANO”). Collective application of Technopark “Idea” entered into number of winners, and Technopark received the right to conclude an Investment agreement with OJSC “RUSNANO” on the implementation of the project to create a Nanotechnology Center. In the framework of creation of Nanotechnology Center pharmaceutical company “Izvarino Pharma” and Technopark “Idea” developed an anchor project for Nanotechnology Center – laboratory and industrial complex “Nanopharma Development”.

At the end of December 2015 it was decided about to withdraw Technopark “Idea” of the project and the deal was made, which resulted “Izvarino Pharma” has bought a share in “Nanopharma Development”.

The company “Nanopharma Development” is included in the Nanotechnology cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan and is the key in the direction of pharmaceuticals.

Financial and economic indicators of the project

Investment amount: 559.45 million rubles.

Number of jobs: 49 will be by 2017, 80 - by 2021

The area of the laboratory and production module: 2 160 sq. m.

The estimated revenue by 2021: 778.1 million rubles.

The volume of production of hormonal and strong drugs: up to 600 thousand packages of solid

Accreditation of journalists will be till 13.00 on September 7, 2016 by phone:

570-68-50 (ext.9745) or 8 952 036 36 89 (Alsu Valeeva)


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