The Foundation for Assistance announces an additional enrollment under the program “UMNIK” in cooperation with working groups of NTI

25 august 2016

National Technology Initiative (NTI) is a long-term comprehensive program for the creation of conditions to ensure the leadership of the Russian companies on the new high-tech markets that will determine the structure of the world economy in the next 15-20 years.

There are currently several sites for the receipt of applications in the framework of joint activities of the program “UMNIK” and working groups of NTI.

AeroNet (air transport) - the market of distributed systems of unmanned aerial vehicles, allowing to merge aircraft into a single network and to ensure the safety of the airspace;

AutoNet (motor transport) - the market of unmanned vehicles based on the development of sensor systems, software for the recognition of road scenes and traffic management;

MariNet (maritime transport) – the market of maritime intelligent systems, which involves several interrelated segments: digital navigation, innovative shipbuilding, technologies of ocean resources deployment, space and satellite technology;

NeuroNet (neurocommunication) - the market of human-machine communication based on advanced developments in neurotechnologies and increasing the productivity of human-machine systems, mental and thought processes performance.

These sites have been accredited by the Foundation for the receipt of applications in the portal UMNIK.FASIE.RU, where for convenience it is located on an interactive map of Moscow.

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