Tatfondbank invested in a project of Technopark “Idea” resident – company “Eidos-Dnaform”

12 august 2016

The Bank acquired a stake in the company “Eidos-Dnaform” to do with it DNA testers

“Eidos-Dnaform” is the resident of Technopark “Idea” and “Skolkovo”, one of the companies of the “Eidos umbrella” - the Kazan innovative company, established by graduates of the Faculty of Physics of the Kazan Federal (Volga region) University, headed by Lenar Valeev.

“Eidos-Dnaform” was created in December 2014. The company is planning the production and sale on the territory of Russia, CIS countries and Japan of import-substituting domestic test systems that have no analogues: reagents, biochips, portable analyzers for rapid DNA diagnostics. The project partner is Riken, one of the leading research institutes of Japan, with a staff of more than 3 thousand employees and an annual budget of $800 million, told Business online in Tatfondbank.

According to Lenar Valeev, “Eidos-Dnaform” creates devices, which can be for 30 minutes to test a biomaterial for viruses and bacteria. “It will be a device for every home. It will allow to do DNA screening to check for viruses. If a child sneezes, you will be able to understand how to treat him and determine the most effective medication. Some more complex diseases will be able to identify by doctors when patients immediately to report a 100% diagnosis”, - said he.

Other details — an appearance of the device and a stage of the project are kept in the strictest confidence. But Kazan invention of DNA diagnostics may be published in 2017: “We hope that the project will soon be “booming”, and we are with you will be able to buy this unit and make a diagnosis for personal use”. Approximate price per unit is around $200 (at the current rate of 13 thousand rubles): “Imagine that is how a phone”.


According to the materials of Business online

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