Eiichi Hasegawa is in Technopark “Idea”

8 august 2016

Special Advisor to Japanese Prime Minister Eiichi Hasegawa visited resident of Technopark “Idea” - a company “Eidos-Medicine”. The purpose of the visit is the acquaintance with the company and its developments in the framework of cooperation “Eidos-Medicine” with Japan.

Currently, LLC “Eidos-Medicine” has developed close cooperation with the largest Japanese Research Center RIKEN and the leading Medical University Juntendo, implementing joint advanced research collaboration project in the field of simulation training of doctors for the state program of personalized medicine in Japan:

  • the creation of rehearsal operation systems, that is a unique simulation equipment, which models on the results of the computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging (CT/MRI) of a patient the subsequent unique operation progress and allows to work out the tactics, select the necessary tool and reduce the time of operation, taking into account the anatomical features of an individual patient;
  • the creation of a database of clinical patient situations, analysis of the database and development of technologies for the treatment of complex cases;
  • the creation of unique methods of simulation education, including using the database to be created.

Today “Eidos-Medicine” is the only domestic developer and serial manufacturer of simulation equipment and occupies about 70% of the Russian market of medical simulators. The company supplies equipment to the markets of Japan, Europe, USA and Asia.

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