Young innovators competed for the money of “UMNIK”

4 august 2016

Winners of the program “UMNIK” presented yesterday, June 3, their results of the first year of project implementation.

39 young innovators gathered in Technopark “Idea” from all over the republic, as well as participants from Ivanovo. Among those who evaluated the participants’ projects, were assistant professor of the Department “Economics and Management on an enterprise” of the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev Yuriy Vorobiev, Director of Innovation of Technopark “Idea” Oleg Ibragimov, Head of Medical Physics Department of the Kazan Physical-Technical Institute named after E.K. Zavoisky Yahya Fattakhov and others.

The program “UMNIK” is implemented by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technological sphere (Foundation for assistance to innovation).

Since the second half of 2016 it is planned that the age of the applicants for the grant program will be from 18 to 30 years (up to 2016 it was from 18 to 28 years old).

Developments of projects are conducted in the following areas:

  • IT;
  • Medicine of the future;
  • Advanced materials and technologies of its creation;
  • New devices and hardware systems;
  • Biotechnology.

It is also planned that the grant amount will increase to 500,000 rubles (for the winning prior to 2015 it was 400,000 rubles). After completing the first phase of the project, the youth of Tatarstan have presented the results of this activity today, and also have told about prospects of development. According to the results of selection the experts allowed 26 projects to the second stage. Participants, who have passed the selection, will receive the second part of the grant – 200,000 rubles and then they can apply for a program “Start”, where support will be in three stages – up to 9 million rubles.

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