A business incubator will be appeared in the Kazan Trade and Economic Technical School

2 august 2016

The main direction of the business incubator is the development of sale technology of innovative product. The creation of the business incubator was made possible thanks to the victory in the competition for a grant to support the implementation of the federal target program of education development for 2016-2020 years. The purpose of the project is the creation of a personnel reserve of specialists in innovative product sales for the enterprises of real sector of economy of the republic.

Federal budget allocates 1.8 million rubles for the implementation of the project. This amount will be used to purchase equipment and software for the business incubator. 500 thousand rubles, allocated from extra-budgetary resources of the college, will be spent on wages with charges, tables-transformers and other furniture. 2 million rubles is the amount, allocated from the budget of Tatarstan for the purchase of equipment for

Programs for retraining and skill improvement of specialists in sales of innovative products will be held together with Technopark “Idea” in the framework of the work on the grant. The role of Technopark in the project is the assistance in the creation of sale technology of innovative products, organization of students’ internship in small innovative companies, employment promotion of technical school graduates.

There will also be trained trainees under professional development program of specialists for sales of innovative products. Also it is planned training courses of additional education for 50 graduate students studying in the field of “Kommersant” and “Catering technology products”.

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