The winners of “IDEA-1000” Program told about the status of their projects realization.

1 november 2007

The Director-General of Technopark “IDEA” Sergey Yushko met with the laureates of “IDEA-1000” Program in nomination “Young people innovative project”.

It is to be mentioned that 33 innovative projects became the winners according to the results of the First Contest “IDEA-1000” (2006). 21 projects won in nomination “Young people innovative project”. All teams-winners got the grants from $16 000 to $120 000. According to the Program terms, these financing resources are to be used in further projects implementing. Within the meeting the project authors presented their innovative projects and told about the status of the Program terms implementing.

At the moment all young projects are at the R&D stage. Before participating in the Program most of the projects were at the idea stage only, as their authors had no money for project realization. The Innovative Projects Program “IDEA-1000” gave them a chance to fulfil their business-idea.

Before the “IDEA-1000” started, there were no works on this project during the whole year, - said one of the Program participants Ramil Kuleev. And now Ramil is going to set his own business.


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