Theory and practice are under one roof

13 july 2016

Innovation is not just a fashionable word, but also a promising field of study. Dozens of students study in the specialty “Innovation” in the republic universities. Students reinforce their theoretical knowledge with practical skills in technoparks and technopolises. This summer students of leading universities of the republic have done practical work in Technopark “Idea”. Students of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University have been studying the foundations of innovative activity from 29 June to 12 July 2016. Tatarstan youth have learned about how work is organized in Technopark, have been trained to negotiate and agreed business cases developed by the “Idea” residents.

As part of the practice, students also learned about programs to support small innovative enterprises and presented the results of independent work on the theme: “The form of application for the program “UMNIK”.

“Defense of the projects has showed that students have basic knowledge, creativity, but, unfortunately, there is problem of solving skills in a team and self-organization, - said the Head of the Department for External Relations and PR Evgeniy Malikov. - All students had the same resource: initial information and an hour and a half time. And if the information somehow was managed to work, about the time almost nobody thought. At the decision of the case “Using of tactile feedback technology”, almost all of the teams have gone in their fantasies in cyberspace. What is to be done, probably a generation that".

Student of the second course Alina Ahmedova about her experiences at the end of the practice: “Practice has been very intense and exciting. For a short time, namely, 2 weeks, we were able not only to listen to lectures, but also to participate in solving business cases and business games. I would like to mention the team of Technopark: employees are interesting, talented and people who living their work. Thank you very much, this is the first non-university practice for us, and, in my opinion, it was excellent!”

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