Accepting applications for the Russian youth nanotechnology prize was launched

4 july 2016

Russian youth prize in the field of nanotechnology, which is awarded to young innovators up to 35 years for the best development in the field of nanotechnology, announces receipt of applications. This year the prize conditions and regulations have been changed, in particular, there will be increased the prize pool and will be selected three winners.

In 2016, the award will be held for the eighth time. Since that time, the contest has received more than 250 applications of young entrepreneurs in the field of nanotechnology. In different years the award was given to the creators of spectroscopes, hardness testers, devices for anesthesia, bandages, healing wounds, and for many other developments.

In accordance with the new regulations, the prizes for the second place (200 thousand rubles) and the third (100 thousand rubles) place have been added to the first prize in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. To participate in the competition are admitted developments, introduced into production with an annual turnover of not less than 1.5 million rubles, or have not yet implemented, but received investment in the amount of not less than 3 million rubles.

This year the award ceremony will be held for the first time at the V Congress of the nanoindustry enterprises in December 2016.

Russian Youth Prize in the field of nanotechnology is the All-Russian competition for young developers, innovators and entrepreneurs under the age of 35 years, whose nanotechnology development has been implemented in real production and showed the first commercial results. The award was established in 2009 and is currently presented by RUSNANO Group for the development and implementation of a new nanotechnology product or technology, released for the production with annual turnover of not less than 1.5 million rubles.

A laureate of the Award can be a citizen of the Russian Federation, which does not included in the management bodies and awarding the Prize. It shall be nominated for the Award of third parties, as well as self-nominated.

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