Hackathon’2016 from SmartHead

8 june 2016

Company SmartHead, resident of Technopark “Idea”, completed May by the first Hackathon’2016. The first Hackathon’2016 was held on the 28th of May 2016. The event was held for 12 hours and brought together 15 employees. By results of work the participants presented prototypes of solutions with working functionality.

Hackathon is developer’s forum, during of which experts from different areas of software development (programmers, designers, managers) work together at solution of any problem.

“Preparations for the event was begun a month before the appointed date, – said the residents on the corporate website. – Any employee of the company can suggest an idea, recruit a team and try to implement it for one day”.

Following projects have been selected from the many proposals as projects for implementation:

  • mobile application for organizing and accounting of table tennis tournaments, integrated with the enterprise portal;
  • software for automation of accounting test devices park;
  • task solution of automation of accounting of drinking coffee with identification by proximity card, that have each employee;
  • and a game “Reached office SmartHead”.

If you like the idea of holding the Hackathon in your team, SmartHead notes that 12 hours is absolutely not enough to implement the ideas: “The next time we will have a 24-hour marathon!”

If you like the idea of the Hackathon in his team, then SmartHead notes that the 12 o'clock did not have enough to implement the visions: "The next time we'll have a 24-hour marathon!"

The Press service of the Technopark “Idea” based on materials of SmartHead

Photo https://smarthead.ru

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