Conference “Information Technology of Industrial Russia" (CIPR) opened in Innopolis

7 june 2016

The opening of the conference “Information Technology of Industrial Russia" (CIPR) has been held today, 7 June 2016, in the city of Innopolis (the Republic of Tatarstan).

Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov welcomed the participants of the conference and expressed his satisfaction with the fact that the project “Information Technology of Industrial Russia" (CIPR), initiated by the State Corporation “Rostec” a year ago, has been continued.

“I am confident that these meetings will be permanent and regular. Today is a new brand – CIPR, - said Ildar Khalikov. - The State Corporation “Rostec”  offered an option of the merging of companies in different industries – not only military-industrial complex, but also companies working in the civilian sector”.

There were signed a number of agreements within the framework of the conference “Information Technology of Industrial Russia" (CIPR)

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