Frederik Paulsen visited the plant of “Nanopharma Development”

2 june 2016

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Swiss company Ferring Pharmaceuticals and Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation in Lausanne Frederik Paulsen learned yesterday, June 1, 2016 the level of the work performed in the pharmaceutical plant of “Nanopharma Development”. Frederick Paulsen visited the acting laboratory and built clean rooms with high-tech pharmaceutical equipment. As a result of the inspection, he praised the work carried out at the factory.

The plant of “Nanopharma Development” is located on the territory of Technopolis “Himgrad” was created in collaboration of LLC “Izvarino Pharma” and Nanotechnology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan with the participation of Ferring Pharmaceuticals. There will be developed medicines based on the use of nanoparticles — it delivers molecules of the active compound “aiming” at the right body to minimize the side effects and increase the effectiveness of drugs. Another direction of the plant activity is the development and production of drugs for the treatment of cancer, drugs used in transplantation and in diseases related to HIV infection. At the moment, it has already been developed and submitted for the state registration of the drug for the treatment of leukemia “Imatinib”, as well as “Takrolimus” – the drug needed to therapy after transplantation of organs and tissues. In total, within the project there will be made up to 10 innovative drugs.

Note that since 2008 Frederik Paulsen has been concerning with improving the demographic situation in the Russian Federation. During this time he was opening two clinics in Russia. Yesterday, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, Frederik Paulsen (before the visit to Tatarstan) and other officials visited the Federal Perinatal Center in the structure of the Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician Vladimir Kulakov.

Today, June 2, 2016, Frederik Paulsen is on an official visit in Samara, where he has participated in the II International Russian-Swiss Forum “Day of Innovation”.

Recall that on March 26, 2010 were announced the results of the first open competition on selection of projects of nanotechnology centers creation, which was conducted by State Corporation “Rusnanotech" (JSC “RUSNANO”). The collective application of Innovative Technopark “Idea” entered into number of winners, and Technopark has received the right to conclude an investment agreement with “RUSNANO” on the implementation of the project to create the Nanotechnology Center. The company “Izvarino Pharma” has acted together with Technopark at the stage of order formation. Pharmaceutical company and Technopark “Idea” developed an anchor for the Nanotechnology Center project – “Nanopharma Development”. The Nanotechnology Center, created in the framework of the first contest of “RUSNANO”, is the union of the two legal entities. It consists of Technopark “Idea”, responsible for the infrastructure component of the project of the Nanotechnology Center (buildings and equipment) and Center for Technology Transfer (“CTT”), responsible for project activities of the Nanotechnology Center.

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