A career-oriented portal for youth “Trajectory of Success” has been opened in Russia

18 may 2016

Center of vocational guidance and career support forms the All-Russian portal “Trajectory of Success” for improving the system of professional orientation and development of young people.

One of the priorities of the portal is to assist students and graduates in timely obtaining practical skills in the selected professional competencies to meet current requirements of employers.

Free registration for employers, interested in attracting interns and young professionals, is opened on the portal in order to assist young people in professional and career development, as well as in the search for practices, training and employment.

In the process of formation of the resource companies-employers, registered in the portal, can free post information about ongoing educational programs, practices, internships, as well as to publish news and analytical materials on the issues of organization of corporate training and further professional development of the company.

The official website of the portal is школа-профориентация.рф.

Registration of employers is done by following the link http://школа-профориентация.рф/register/html.

Contact person for matters related to the functioning of the portal – Deputy Head of the Organizing Committee - Elena Polovinkina, phone: +7 (499) 391-27-45, +7 (919) 723-21-21, e-mail: org@cpiks.ru.

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