A project of Technopark “Idea” resident has been positively appreciated at the Venture Fair

27 april 2016

The opening of the XVI Russian and the XI Kazan Venture Fairs has been held today in Kazan. The event took place in the Korston Hotel & Mall Kazan.

Participants were welcomed by President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. He thanked the organizers of the fair, “who stood at the origins of the venture capital movement in our country”. Tatarstan President expressed special words of gratitude to foreign partners and wished them fruitful work.

The Russian Presidential Aide Andrei Fursenko, Executive Director of the Russian Venture Capital Association Albina Nikkonen and other officials also made a welcoming speech.

During the event, the guests visited an exhibition of the fair, where was presented the innovative infrastructure of the republic, among the exhibits were stands of Technopark “Idea”, Technopolis “Himgrad”, Kama Industrial Park “Master”.

In addition, 55 innovative companies presented their own developments. The most promising of these will be an international program for the acceleration program from Pulsar Venture Capital.

Different sites were organized at the XVI Russian and the XI Kazan Venture Fairs, where residents of Technopark “Idea” actively participated. For example, the head of the Laser Center of the Republic of Tatarstan Nikolay Nasonov told about a project “Laser Capital” at the site of “New challenges. Youth innovation movement”. The purpose of the project is the creation of laser schools network on the territory of the country, which will work in the capitals of the regions of the Russian Federation. As told by Nikolai Nasonov, the project will promote market of promising technologies, support start-up projects, ensure activities in the scientific and technical sphere of subjects of small and medium-sized businesses, children and young people. The project has already been presented in Penza, Yekaterinburg and other Russian cities.

Experts and moderators of the site, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Artem Zdunov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere Ivan Bortnik, Acting Executive Director of the Russian Association of Innovative Regions (AIRR) Ivan Fedotov, and others welcomed the project and wished success.

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