“Innovation Poligon 2016 “Tatarstan - the Territory of the Future” will start in Kazan

12 april 2016

The Fourth Republican Contest of Youth Innovative Projects “Innovation Poligon 2016 “Tatarstan - the Territory of the Future” will be launched in Technopolis “Himgrad” on April 14, 2016 at 02:00 pm.

The competition participants are schoolchildren of the senior classes of secondary schools, as well as elementary and secondary as well as educational institutions of Kazan and Tatarstan at the age of 14-17 years.

The event, organized by the Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU) with the support of Technopolis “Himgrad”, Technopark “Idea”, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan, has a socio-economic orientation, providing talented kids the opportunity to carry out real research work in several areas:

  • efficient use of resources;
  • energy independence and efficiency;
  • polymer chemistry: new applications;
  • nanotechnology and nanomaterials;
  • new solutions in developing transport and transport infrastructure;
  • intelligent packaging;
  • the solution of environmental problems, management of urban waste;
  • recycling of polymers;
  • development of new structural materials with a complex of useful properties;
  • the prospects of improvement of the environment with using microorganisms;
  • using the potential of microorganisms for the removal of water impurities;
  • creation of biodegradable polymers and biologically stable;
  • increasing biological value of dairy raw materials in the industrial processing of milk;
  • innovative methods of design and technology of wooden structures;
  • commodification and protection of wood-based materials;
  • innovative methods of design and technology used in light industry;
  • morphogenesis in the light industry.

The competition will be held in four stages during the period from May to December 2016, including: theoretical training course “Fundamentals of business planning”, “Main trends in the development of modern science”, “Fundamentals of entrepreneurship”, team work within the Business day and protection of a project at the final stage.

The winners will be announced in the following nominations: “The Best Innovation Project”, “The Best Innovative Idea”, and “The Best Innovative Solution”.

The press service of Technopolis “Himgrad”

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