The around-table discussion on the subject “Organization of state innovative management and development of regional innovative infrastructure” was hold in Technopark “IDEA”.

17 october 2007

The representatives of Tumenskaya oblast, representatives of ministries of Tatarstan Republic, the top management of Technopark “IDEA” and Innovative Venture Fund of Tatarstan Republic took part in the event.

The delegation of Tumenskaya oblast included the Head of Department of Tumenskaya oblast strategic development Viktor Savransky and his Deputy Mihkail Sazonov.

The core aim of their visit to Tatarstan Republic – exchange of experiment and information of organization of state innovative management and development of regional innovative infrastructure of Tumenskaya oblast. It was Technopark “IDEA” that delegation of Tumenskaya oblast visited first of all.

The central objects of innovative infrastructure of TatarstanRepublic - Technopark “IDEA” and Innovative Venture Fund – and also the project of Regional High Technology Park was introduced to the guests during the visit.


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