World Conference of International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation will be held in Moscow

4 april 2016

The 33rd World Conference of International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP), which will be organized by Fund “Skolkovo”, will take place in Moscow in September 19-22, 2016.

The main event of the Association is the Annual Conference (IASP World Conference), which is a key platform for meetings, communication, exchange of experience of leaders and chief executives of science parks of different countries. The conference lasts for 3-4 days and attracts no less than 700-1,200 representatives of science parks from different countries of the world. The conference program includes seminars, trainings, workshops, as well as cultural program and free business networking.

Each year the conference takes place a new country, Technopark-organizer is selected on a competitive basis two years before the holding of the Conference, and the opportunity to become the organizer of the conference is a privilege. Each full member of the Association has one vote and may vote in person or by proxy.

This year the focus of discussion will be technoparks as reference points of growth of innovative infrastructure in the regions and territories, providing support and development of small innovative enterprises, facilitating the creation of market assumptions of the implementation of high-tech products, as well as forming the investment attractiveness of the region.

The forum will attract around 1,500 participants – representatives of Russian and foreign innovation community.

There will be international exchange of experience on professional management of innovative clusters and technoparks as agencies in attracting regional investments, as well as the possibility of interaction with Russian and foreign investors within the framework of this event.

For reference: History of IASP Conference

• 2015 - Beijing, China

• 2014 - Doha, Qatar

• 2013 - Recife, Brazil

• 2012 - Tallinn, Estonia

• 2011 - Copenhagen, Denmark

• 2010 - Daejeon, Korea

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