The Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum 2016 has started

18 february 2016

On the 18th of February, 2016 the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum 2016 has begun its work. A theme of the Forum is “Russia: Strategy 2030”. The participants of the Forum will discuss in the format of an open discussion the prospects of the country’s development in all sectors of the economy for the next 15 years.

The first day of the Forum was traditionally dedicated to the youth agenda. A theme of the youth platform in 2016 became construction of a “New social contract”, and its main focus was the discussion of the mechanisms for creating a favorable climate for the active citizen engagement in public processes. The organizers of the site were: the Youth Government of the Krasnoyarsk region and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Within the first day of the Forum there were held more than a dozen events with the participation of federal experts. Among them were Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, co-Chairman of the All-Russian Popular Front Alexander Brechalov, member of the Public Chamber Commission on social policy, labour relations and quality of life if citizens Elena Topoleva-Soldunova, head of the Association of SKOLKOVO mentors, development director of the business incubator of Moscow State University Mikhail Khomich.

Governor of Krasnoyarsk region Viktor Tolokonskiy summed up the first day of the Forum at the final plenary session, where he stressed that the discussed topic today - the creation of the new social contract - is the basis for shaping the future image of Russia and its development strategy. The head of the region emphasized that today it is crucial to develop responsibility in society, as the state has not always effectively performs many functions. According to him, to improve its quality is possible only if man is free, and is not formal performer.

The forum was attended by a delegation of the Republic of Tatarstan headed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov.



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