Dear residents of Technopark “Idea”

14 january 2016

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan invites you to participate in the work of a free interactive business seminar “The problem of building a sustainable competitive advantage. Modern methodology of management of organizational changes and features of its practical application. Flamgolts methodology”.

The workshop will cover the methodology and practice of building sustainable competitive advantage of an organization, developed by the Management Systems Consulting Corporation ( The seminar is conducted by Vladimir Kuryakov, Ph. D., managing partner of York Strategies Consulting Corporation (under license from the company-developer).

The seminar program is designed specifically for the familiarization with the key points to the unique methodology of Flamgolts, tried out in the markets of USA, Europe and the BRIC countries, and discussion of its practical application.

Upon completion of the seminar the participants will be given the opportunity of grading the degree of manifestation of the effect of “Growing Pains” within the organization, determining the list of reasons for the existence of this effect and the development of proposals for its reduction to improve revenue and profitability of an organization.

The focus of the seminar will be given to the following practical issues:

  • The pyramidal model of organization development and the results of studies on the practical validation of the model;
  • The influence of the pyramidal model on the financial performance of an organization;
  • Applied aspects of application of the pyramidal model for organizational diagnostics and ensuring growth of revenue and profitability of an organization:
  • Assessment of the development of an organization;
  • The standards to ensure sustainable and long-term successful development of an organization: qualitative and quantitative aspects.
  • “Secrets of success” of the development of an organization and the causes of failures;
    • The role of the “organizational infrastructure” while ensuring sustainable and long-term successful development of an organization; the results of the organizational diagnostics for other organizations, examples of findings and management recommendations.
    • The lifecycle model: the stages of organizational development organization
    • Organizational “Growing Pains”:
      • The classic manifestation of the effect of “Growing Pains”;
      • Methods of evaluating the degree of manifestation of the effect of “Growing Pains”;
      • The effect of “Growing Pains” and organizational effectiveness;
      • The influence of the effect of “Growing Pains” on the financial performance of an organization;
      • Analysis of the probable causes of the effect of “Growing Pains” and development of proposals to reduce the degree of manifestation of this effect.

The seminar is of particular interest to the leaders of organizations engaged in the search for new opportunities for business development. Financial directors will be able to take a fresh look at the system of performance management of the organization; the heads of banks and investment firms (venture capitalists) will get a tool to check the possibilities of achieving long-term competitive advantages in the funded organizations; senior management of organizations can get the latest knowledge about the nature of change management.

In addition, at the workshop will be provided proven information on examples of that the true source of competitive advantage is not in the selection area of the market and product, and is focused in the area of “institutional infrastructure”.

The seminar will be held on January 26, 2016 on the basis of the CCI of RT (Kazan, Pushkin St., 18, Conference room, 10.00 a.m. - 1.00 pm).

Please complete the application form for participation and in the period until 23 January to send it by fax (843) 236 08 04 or e-mail:

The press service of the CCI RT

Photo: archive of the press service of Technopark “Idea”

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