The winners of the Contest “50 Best Innovative Ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan” was awarded in Kazan

10 december 2015

Results of the XI Contest “50 Best Innovative Ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan”, organized by the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, Academy of Sciences of RT and the Ministry of Education and Science of RT, have been summed up today in Kazan. The official awarding ceremony of the winners has been held in the Korston Hotel & Mall.

“The annual promotion of the best innovative ideas has become a good tradition. In the 11 years of its existence, the competition has become one of the most significant national event, and interest in it is only growing. The number of participants shows that we have chosen the right direction”, – said First Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan Alexei Pesoshin at the ceremony.

According to him, this year the competition has received a record number of applications – 2,273. Close to the record number of applications for all eleven years of the competition it was noted in 2011 (1,696 applications) and 2014 (1,612 applications), respectively.
As noted Alexei Pesoshin, every year there is expanding the geography of participants: following the Tatarstan contenders to the experts to apply and the representatives of other regions of Russia, particularly from St. Petersburg, Moscow and Moscow region, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Izhevsk, Tyumen, Cheboksary.
“The staff of project teams every year becomes younger. It is encouraging that young people have believed in the possibility of a successful career on the basis of introduction of scientific developments”, – said Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Director of the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan (IVF RT) Ainur Aideldinov in an interview with journalists said: “The whole of expertise, as in the past year, was entrusted to the Academy of Sciences of RT. I can say that our main traditional industries in the applications were submitted".
The purpose of the contest, as before, is encouraging research and development activities and attracting attention of young people. “The entire specific of the last three years is that if the project does not have the opportunity of global scaling, it generally can not be nominated. Each of the winning projects can become a global project”, – added Ainur Aideldinov.
This year the competition has been won 181 applications, 31 projects of which are the winners of the Program “Idea-1000”.
“We need to keep in mind that it is ideas, not a project. The winners will receive grants of 25 or 50 thousand rubles and the recognition of the whole scientific world that their idea has the right to life. This can be actually the first step of their life that they recognize their development. Therefore, the competition involves everyone from schoolchildren and students of early courses and to adults, to senior researchers. The difference of this contest is idea”, – said the Director of IVF RT.
Among the leaders of educational institutions, as well as last year, became Kazan National Research Technical University-Kazan Aviation Institution (KNRTU-KAI), Kazan National Research Technological University-Kazan State Chemical University (KNRTU-KSCU), Kazan Federal University and Kazan State Agricultural University. Also, a large number of applications were received from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan. “Each of the educational institutions applies more than 200-300 applications”, – said Ainur Aideldinov. Slightly fewer applications sent by the leading enterprises of the Republic, he added.
The contest was held in 8 nominations: “Perspective”, “Innovations in Education”, “Start of innovations”, “Nanoimpuls”, “Projects of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia”, “The Best Invention of the Year”, “Socially Significant Innovation”, “and “Youth Innovation Project”.
Information Agency “Tatar-inform”
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