Tomorrow, December 1, 2015, the II International Scientific School-Seminar “Energy-saturated materials of the XIX century. Technology of its production and application” will be opened in Kazan. The event, which will take place in Kazan National Research Technological University and Technopark “Idea”, is organized for teachers, young scientists and graduate students.
The science school will bring together leading scientists and experts in the field of technology of energy-saturated materials and pyrotechnics of various foreign and Russian universities, research institutions and enterprises.
Lectures will be held on topics such as “The use of high-energy compounds in military small arms cartridges”, “Trends in the development of formulas and technologies of gunpowder for small arms”, “System for measuring the detonation velocity of production OZM”.
As part of the school will be lectures of the Russian scientists, as well as employees of foreign companies.
The school is organized by Kazan National Research Technological University and Technopark “Idea”.