The delegation of the European Preparatory Assembly (EPA) visited Innovative Technopark “IDEA” .

21 september 2007

The representatives of the European Preparatory Assembly (EPA) at the head of its general secretary Clip Klaus (France) within the outside meeting of EPA Committee of economy and regional development, held in the Republic of Tatarstan, visited Technopark “IDEA” on 21th of September, 2007.

The European Preparatory Assembly (EPA), founded in 1985, is the independent organization of the regions and the largest network of interregional cooperation all over the Europe. At the moment 250 regions from 30 European countries and 12 interregional organizations are the representatives of the APE.

The representatives of SwitzerlandSwedenFranceGreat BritainGermanyAustriaAlbania and other countries took part in the meeting. During the meeting with Chairman of Council of State of Tatarstan Republic Farid Mukhametshin the EPA general secretary Clip Klaus admitted that the EPA meeting in Kazan will give the European good chance to become acquainted with Tatarstan and will allow getting into close contacts to improve further development of business connections with the Region.

The guests looked over the Business-Incubator, InnovativeTechnological Center and Business-Park during their visiting the Technopark “IDEA”, knew a lot about the principles of Technopark activity and its innovative projects.

The President of EPA Committee of economy and regional development Hoes Onno said that the Swedish model of innovative system agency VINNOVA, served as a basis for Technopark “IDEA”, is the positive example, because the model is aimed to the self-repayment and financial stability. But nowadays it is the problem of “brain-drain” that faced by most of the countries (and Russia as well). That is why it is necessary to create good business climate in such structures as Technoparks. To put it another way, the favorable conditions should be made not only for the work, but also for the employee’s life. It allows attracting to Technopark both local and foreign specialists, and also different investors, - Hoes Onno mentioned.

Director for innovations of Technopark “IDEA” Oleg Ibragimov told about the project of Regional High Technology Park, in which territory it is planned to develop all necessary infrastructure. IT Park is to start working at the end of 2008. Besides, a few world leading companies have already expressed their desire for being residents and co-investors of IT Park, - Oleg Ibragimov mentioned.

For information:

The European Preparatory Assembly (EPA) has the observer status in the European Council and collaborates closely with the establishments of European Council. The main institutions of EPA are General Assembly, Bureau and Presidium.

One of the core aims of the EPA is to develop the further dialogue and cooperation between the European regions, joint projects and contracts. So, EPA is the forum of cooperation and know-how exchange of the European countries.

At the moment 4 of 85 regions of Russian Federation are the members of EPA – Samarskaya oblast, the Republic of Kareliya, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Republic ofIngushetiya.

The Republic of Tatarstan became the full member of EPA in 1996. Being the EPA member is essential for Tatarstan because of the representing in the authoritative international organization and implementing of the interregional cooperation programs. As the integration processes in Europe started and such phenomenon “Europe of regions” appeared, new field for Tatarstan activity has opened. After the cold war had finished, the direct connections between the different regions of the state strongly developed.

After Russia had become the member of the Europe Council and the Republic of Tatarstan had entered into the EPA, the opportunities for more closely and effectively cooperation with all-European structures are appearing; the role of horizontal contacts and direct connections between the regions are increasing.


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