23 september 2015

The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere (hereinafter – FASIE) provides on a regular basis the program “Start” on five main areas: information technology, medicine, modern materials and technologies of its production, devices and hardware complexes, biotechnologies.

The purpose of the Program is to assist innovators seeking to develop and master the production of new goods, products, technologies or services with the use of the results of their scientific and technological research, in its early stage of development and have great potential of commercialization.

The program “Start” is intended to support small businesses, corresponding to 209-FZ of 24 July 2007, and thus created less than two years ago and with turnover up to 1 million rubles. To apply for participation in the program may be legal and physical persons with Russian citizenship – provided that the winners will register a legal entity within one month after publication of the results.

It is possible filing of the companies, supported by innovative territorial clusters, included in the list of innovative territorial clusters, approved by order of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation of August 8, 2012 №DM-P8-5060, and technological platforms, approved by the Government Commission on High Technologies and Innovation by Protocol №2 dated February 21, 2012.

The program provides funding for projects in three phases – at the first phase the grant is 1 million rubles, at the second and third phases funding increases, but is subject to attracting parity co-financing and the beginning of the implementation of the developed products.

Enrollment is carried out electronically at the address http://online.fasie.ru/.

You can learn more about the conditions of participation in the program “Start” on the website of FASIE at the following address: www.fasie.ru. For the decision to start funding of the project in 2015 you must submit an application no later than 30 September 2015.

For further consultation please contact the regional representative of FASIE in the Republic of Tatarstan - Peter Petrovich Baskevich, phone: (843) 510-51-50, e-mail: itckniat@yandex.ru.


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