3 september 2015

Today Head of all Russian public organization “Young Innovative Russia” Anna Bukhalo and First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan – Director of the Department of Entrepreneurship Development Rustem Sibgatullin have acquainted in Technopark “Idea” with developments of Tatarstan schoolboys and students which are involved in the Centers for Youth Innovative Creativity of the republic.

The head of the project “Creation of a Network of the Centers for Youth Innovative Creativity (CYIC) in Tatarstan” Nikolay Nasonov told that Tatarstan CYIC actively supports youth initiatives. “Tatarstan has become a pioneer in the implementation of CYIC network. We were the first in Russia who have opened the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity in Technopark “Idea” and we are replicating our experience not only in cities and districts of the republic, but in other regions”, - explained Nikolay Nasonov.

CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko told Anna Bukhalo and Rustem Sibgatullin on the application of schoolchildren’s developments in the production. “If in the beginning of its way Technopark “Idea” was the territory where ideas are implemented, then now it is also a platform where young innovators are being trained”, - he said. So, a group of schoolchildren and high school students has developed in Technopark 3d printer and now is successfully selling it.

“We understand that the CYIC is one of the links in the chain of programs of training engineers. And this link has enough well-defined niche, - said Anna Bukhalo, having become acquainted with the work of the Center. - It is the club for children and young people (from 5 to 25 years) who wants to engage in innovative work, that is to come up with something new and comes in the circle in order to make their own hands the layout, this new model. This circle can be in the yard, in the club, in the house of pioneers, sometimes at school, at least in the University. It is non-school, non-university creative pastime for those wishing to complement the tremendous work that goes on in universities and schools”.

According to Anna Bukhalo the success of such centers is assembled due to common effort of talented children and professional educators: “the CYIC is a technical workshop which is characterized by the presence of the head - fan of his work”.

Recall that the Republic of Tatarstan became one of the 13 regions, where have been created over 30 Centers for Youth Innovative Creativity. There are 10 centres in the republic, 3 of which are in Kazan, one in Zelenodolsk, Chistopol, Leninogorsk, Bugulma, Naberezhnye Chelny, in the villages of Drozhzhanoe and Bogatye Saby.

The first opening of the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity (CYICC “Idea”) was held in Kazan, in Innovative Technopark “Idea” on 27 February 2013. On the same day to assess the capabilities of the equipment of the Center, to experience it in action and see the result of its efforts had the opportunity to representatives of one of the target audiences – children.

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