Heads of Tatarstan CYICs have gathered today in Technopark “Idea”

28 august 2015

New methods for the study of robotics have been discussed today in Innovative Technopark “Idea” by the heads of the Centers for Youth Innovative Creativity of Tatarstan (CYIC). At the meeting the main attention was focused on the study of new constructors.

 “Robotics is a modern direction. We opened the first CYIC in Russia, now we are in leading positions, but we understand that we can not stop on the spot, - said the head of the project “Creation of a Network of the Centers for Youth Innovative Creativity (CYIC) in Tatarstan” Nikolay Nasonov. – Now we are getting acquainted with new manufacturers of design sets and learning new methods of teaching. We are improving.”

As explained by the developers, the new technique is built on the principle “from simple to complex”. On the lessons are used constructors HUNA (MRT).  It is provided for children from 5 years. On the basis of the set are plastic parts from safe ABS plastic, which in sets for secondary schools ROBOTRECK are added metal parts to create high-strength models

Building blocks and electronics of all sets are compatible with each other, so when child changes from one set to another he does not have to learn the constructor again. The range is divided into a series of sets, with different composition parts, electronics and complexity of the proposed models, depending on the age of the students.

All sets use the unique blocks connecting in the six planes that make the process of designing and 3D modeling is simple, quick and fun. There is the high variability of the assemblage that develops spatial imagination.

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