24 august 2015

A training program for innovative oil and gas companies will start in Kazan on the 1st of September, 2015 in the framework of a Federal Accelerator GenerationS. The whole month industry experts will work with specially selected developers teams from across the country. The program includes workshops, presentations for investors and meetings with leading oil and gas companies of Tatarstan. Operator of the Accelerator program is the Foundation of Pulsar Venture Capital, corporate partner - Tatneftekhiminvest-holding. The organizer of the Accelerator GenerationS since 2013 is the Russian Venture Company.

Track Oil&Gas will open its doors for the 10 participants who have gone through the program of online training within the biggest accelerator in Russia GenerationS. The teams were selected from 250 oil and gas projects from across the country. The launch of the program will take place on the 1st of September, 2015 in Technopark “Idea”.

Pavel Korolev, General Director of Pulsar Venture Capital, said: “Last year in the framework of the GenerationS we brought in Tatarstan the best of industrial projects from all over Russia. We are continuing a course on industrial solutions; I see they are the future. After our accelerator program, the team will receive not only investment support of our partners, but will have the opportunity to introduce their developments at the leading enterprises of the Republic and the whole country”.

Gulnara Bikkulova, Director of Department of Innovation markets, member of the Board of the RVC: “Oil and gas companies are both the most desirable and the most hard-to-reach clients and partners for most startups. We hope that within GenerationS for the participants of the accelerator entry barrier will be overcome and, in general, we expect that Russian corporations will be more likely to work with suppliers of Russian technologies”.

An important event in the accelerator will be part of projects in Tatarstan Petrochemical Forum. At presentation sessions of the acceleration program projects will be presented to managers and owners of public and private companies, as well as industry experts.

A detailed work program with the participants on the track Oil&Gas you can find on the website of the accelerator http://en.generation-startup.ru/ and also on the official page of Pulsar Venture Capital on Facebook.

For the best teams that will get to the final investment session and will reach the consideration of the investment committee, Tatneftekhiminvest-holding may become an investor or a strategic customer, and a development can be included in the product line. The key challenge of the acceleration program is to support of projects to final deals with large industrial customers, working with the participants in all stages of design implementation.

GenerationS for startups is the acceleration program, gaining skills in the technology business, the opportunity to refine their product in close cooperation with the prospective corporate client, to establish connections with corporations, investors and experts, to enhance the business potential and investment attractiveness of the project. The accelerator has been held by RVC since 2013 with the support of Russian corporations, development institutions, and representatives of venture capital infrastructure. Since 2015 GenerationS resources have been used to create corporate and industry accelerators in close cooperation with major Russian corporations. Corporations are directly involved in the selection, assessment of projects and the acceleration of the startups participants of GenerationS, based on their needs in innovative developments. Search for innovative projects is carried out through a regional partnership of GenerationS, bringing together start-up schools, business incubators, universities and other participants of the innovation ecosystem, working with startups.

GenerationS-2015 is conducted by seven sectoral areas (tracks): Power & Energy (modern power generation), Telecom Idea (telecommunications), Robotics (automated and robotic systems), Aerospace (technology for the aerospace industry), SmartCity (technology for life, “smart city”), Oil & Gas (technologies and materials in the oil and gas sector), BiotechMed (biotechnology and medicine).

The corporate partner of the track is Tatneftekhiminvest-holding

OJSC “Tatneftekhiminvest-holding” plays the role of the coordination and advisory center, working in a wide range of activities of the petrochemical complex. The main goal of the holding is to encourage the fullest use of intellectual, material, natural resource, industrial and scientific-technical potential of the petrochemical complex of the Republic of Tatarstan and the reception of profit on the basis of this, including through: increasing the efficiency of enterprises of petrochemical complex of Tatarstan through the integrated use of hydrocarbon and mineral resources; the development and implementation of measures for the efficient use of scientific and technological potential.

The operator of the track is Pulsar Venture Capital

Pulsar Venture Capital is the venture fund of the early stages, the competence center and business accelerator, creating conditions for realization of innovative projects, developing knowledge-based, and technology companies.

Website: http://www.pulsar.vc/

The organizer of the accelerator is RVC

OJSC “RVC” is a government fund of funds and a development institute of the Russian Federation, one of Russia’s key tools in building its own national innovation system. The authorized capital of OJSC “RVC” is more than 30 billion rubles. 100% of RVC capital belongs to the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management of the Russian Federation (Rosimushchestvo).

The total number of innovative companies in the total portfolio of the funds, created with the participation of the capital of OJSC “RVC”, is 175. The aggregate amount of funds, invested in the project companies by the funds with the participation of RVC, is 16.2 billion rubles.

Since 2015, OJSC “RVC” has been defined as a project office for implementation of the National Technology Initiative (NTI) - the long-term strategy of the country’s technological development, aimed at formation of new global markets by 2035.

Website: http://www.rusventure.ru/

About GenerationS

GenerationS is a federal accelerator for technology startups, in which the best projects are selected by the results of a multi-stage examination to receive intensive development and opportunities for investment. GenerationS has been hosted by Russian Venture Company (RVC) since 2013, with the support of Russian corporations, development institutions, and representatives of venture capital funds.

Since 2015 GenerationS resources have been used to create corporate and industry accelerators in close cooperation with major Russian corporations. Corporations are directly involved in the selection, assessment of projects and the acceleration of the startups participants of GenerationS, based on their needs in innovative developments.  GenerationS-2015 is conducted by seven sectoral areas (tracks): Power & Energy (modern power generation), Telecom Idea (telecommunications), Robotics (automated and robotic systems), Aerospace (technology for the aerospace industry), SmartCity (technology for life, “smart city”), Oil & Gas (technologies and materials in the oil and gas sector), BiotechMed (biotechnology and medicine). All participants of corporate accelerators will be given the opportunity to receive a grant in the amount of 1 million rubles from the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere. Three GenerationS winner will share the prize pool from RVC and partners, the minimum size of the prize fund is 5 million rubles.


Material of the event’s organizer

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