23 june 2015

The program to stimulate lending of subjects of small and medium-sized businesses has been developed and approved. In accordance with the program the Agency of Credit Guarantees acts as guarantor to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on loans, provided by commercial banks. To participate in the program have been selected the following credit organizations with divisions in Tatarstan:

1. OJSC “Sberbank of Russia”;

2. OJSC “VTB Bank”;

3. OJSC “Russian Agricultural Bank”;

4. Public joint-stock company “PromSvyazBank”;

5. OJSC “Alfa-Bank”;

6. JSC “Gazprombank”;

7. Public joint-stock company “Rosbank”;

8. JSC “Raiffeisen Bank”;

9. OJSC “Bank of Moscow”;

10. Public joint-stock company “Otkritie Financial Corporation” Bank;

11. Public joint-stock company “VTB 24”

Banks send the funds for lending to SMEs at the preferential interest rate (for the subjects of medium-sized enterprises – 10%, for small businesses – 11%).

The amount of credit granted must be at least 50 million rubles and not more than 1 billion rubles.

Provided loans are targeted and can be used exclusively for the acquisition of fixed assets, modernization and reconstruction of production, launch of new projects or activities, agreed upon by the end-borrower with the Bank (in the case of loans granted for the working capital of SMEs).

The total amount of credit funds, attracted by one borrower within the framework of the program from different banks, may not exceed 4 billion rubles.

The announcement of the beginning of the program implementation is expected this month.

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