2 june 2015

The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere (the Foundation) announces a series of competitions for small businesses to provide financial support for innovative companies. The size limit of the grant per company is 15 million rubles for 12 months.

“Modernization of education by modern technology” (“MEMT”) is a program of R&D funding on the development of training equipment in support of training and educational process, health-saving technologies, and school infrastructure. Applications will be accepted until June 7, 2015.

“Development” is a program, aimed at supporting projects of a high stage of readiness. The selection of projects will focus on research and development on the following topics:

- Projects in the field of medicine (primarily aimed at the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cancer diseases, respiratory diseases), the prospect of which has been confirmed by large strategic medical centers;

- Projects in the field of new production technologies (including robotics, additive technologies, digital manufacturing);

- Projects in the field of creation of new generation materials and technologies for its production (including composites, nanostructured and modified coatings, smart materials, materials on full life cycle);

- High-tech projects in the social sphere (improving the quality of life for senior citizens, people with disabilities, limited mobility and other socially disadvantaged groups).

Applications will be accepted until June 14, 2015.

“Export” is a program, aimed at supporting the development of export-oriented products of small enterprises, with experience in supply to foreign markets.

Applications will be accepted until June 21, 2015.

Works are performed in two phases of 6 months each. The maximum grant amount is 15 million rubles. Each of these programs involves extra-budgetary co-financing in the amount of 50% to the size of the grant, so participation is recommended to the companies with positive dynamics of revenues in 2013-2014, reaching tens and hundreds of millions of rubles.

There is a program “Start” for newly established start-ups or those that have only planned. According to the program “Start” in 2015 it is planned to support 700 new projects.


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