Development of technoparks in Russia gives our country an opportunity to take one of the leading positions in the world market of information technologies.

5 september 2007

On the 5th of September the V anniversary international conference “Infocommunication technologies of global information-oriented society” has opened its doors in Kazan. The section “High technology parks” within the bounds of the event was held for the first time. The section took place in Technopark “Idea”.

Before the conference started, an exhibition devoted to the latest achievements in the infocommunication technology sphere had been held in KRK “Pyramid”. Visitors of Technopark’s stand could obtain full information on Technopark “Idea” activity and its innovative projects.

The Minister of information and communication of theRepublic of Tatarstan Farit Fazylzyanov opened the Plenary session of the conference. He mentioned that the conference becomes more popular and significant due to the onrush of IT-industry of Tatarstan for previous years. There were over 350 participants of the event.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov made a welcoming speech and said that at the moment there is innovative boom in our republic. The Program of Tatarstan innovative development during 2004-2010 includes such important issues as developing of modern infocommunication infrastructure, creating and using of new IT achievements.

“This situation played a vital role in selecting the Republic of Tatarstan as “pilot region” for the purpose of implementing the federal program on creating of 7 High technology parks in the country”, - the Prime Minister mentioned.

The Regional High Technology Park is to be placed in two areas in Kazan: IT Park area - in the territory of Technopark“Idea” (52-54 Peterburgskaya St.Kazan) and Industrial Park «Himgrad» area – in the territory of «Tasma Holding» PLC (100 Vosstaniya St.Kazan). Rustam Minnikhanov said future High Technology Park is to provide not only the republic’s needs in information technologies, but also to penetrate with these achievements to Russian and world market.

After Plenary session closed, the discussion on IT-technoparks development was continued in Technopark “Idea”, in the section “High technology parks”. There were representatives of Technopark “Idea”, Committee of economic development of Saint-Petersburg, Technopark “Novosibirsk”, Kuzbassky High technology park (Kemerovskaya oblast), Ministry of communications and information technologies of Republic of Azerbaydzhan and Cisco company.

The participants shared experience of creating of IT-technoparks in their regions, its activity, and also discussed the issues and problems on forming of infrastructure for innovation development and venture financing of IT achievements.

The conference will be closed on 6th of September, 2007.


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