21 may 2015

Today leading expert of the National Business Incubation Association (NBIA, USA) on the issues of incubation of high technology businesses, entrepreneurship and innovation development Mark Long has visited Technopark “Idea” with working visit.

CEO of “Idea” Sergey Yushko told the guest about the history of Technopark, about the experience of interaction with foreign partners and the implementation of new projects.

Mark Long has especially interested in membership in the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), which consists of 153 business and innovation centers: business incubators, innovation and technology centers, technology parks, science parks and other similar organizations in 37 countries.

Sergey Yushko told that “Idea” became the first Russian technopark, passed a two-stage audit and became a full member of EBN. Now Technopark is actively implementing the best practices of using performance assessment tools used by EBN in technoparks of Russia. Today full members of the European Network are already four Russian technoparks, which through the Network have received an additional opportunity to acquire foreign partners and the prospect of international contracts for its residents. In 2014, Technopark “Idea” entered the top 15 Best European Business and Innovation Centers– EBN members.

Mark Long also asked about projects that are created and implemented by Technopark. Sergey Yushko explained that with participation of “Idea” Tatarstan has won a number of federal programs and competitions: Technopark in sphere of high technologies, the Federal Business Incubator, Nanotechnology Center, and Technopolis “Himgrad”. Today Technopark “Idea” interacts with the key Russian development institutions: JSC “Russian Venture Company”, JSC “RUSNANO”, the SKOLKOVO Foundation, and the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere.

Currently Technopark, the Center for Nanotechnology of the Republic of Tatarstan jointly with the Swiss company Ferring Pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical company “Izvarino Pharma” put into operation a plant “Nanopharma Development”. The company will operate on the territory of Technopolis “Himgrad”. Work in the laboratory is conducted in two directions. In the framework of the first research direction will be developed a unique system of delivering medicines for internal use. The second direction involves the development and organization of the production line of modern drugs for cancer treatment and drugs used during transplantation of organs and tissues, as well as to treat diseases associated with HIV infection (AIDS). It is expected that the first reproduced medications will receive the state registration and will be in the hospital in 2016.

“For the implementation of projects in the field of pharmaceutical activities is necessary to carry out a great job. And what you have done is an enormous work of a huge number of people. This is a very valuable and important for the republic. Keep up in that way”, - said Mark Long.

“For the implementation of projects in the field of pharmaceutical activities is necessary to carry out a great job. And what you have done is an enormous work of a huge number of people. This is a very valuable and important for the republic. Keep up in that way”, - said Mark Long.

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