13 may 2015

From 14 to 29 May, 2015 at the Chamber of Commerce of Tatarstan will be held “Spring Week of Entrepreneurship of RT – 2015”, dedicated to the Day of the Russian entrepreneurship.

Within two weeks, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, startup teams and startup entrepreneurs will be able to communicate with the leaders of the Tatarstan business community and authorities. In addition, they will have the opportunity to see an entire list of services that CCI RT is ready to offer the business.

At seminars and webinars businessmen will be talked about the experience of developing business plans for small and medium-sized businesses, about the four steps to the attractiveness of a company and how to start their own business. There is also planned a business game “Management duels”.

As noted by the Chairman of the Board of the CCI of the Republic of Tatarstan Shamil Ageev, the Entrepreneurship Week is aimed at promoting the entrepreneurial activity that contributes to the stability in the economy and the social sphere and ensures the growth of industrial enterprises.

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