8 may 2015

A resident of Technopark “Idea” - company DZ Systems together with the Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Association for Electronic Communications is organizing a conference OS DAY 2015 in Kazan.

The purpose of the conference is to consolidate the efforts of Russian specialists on the development of operating systems (OS).

The event, which will be held on June 9-10, 2015 in Innopolis, will consist of two one-day parts: technological, where will be discussed the methods of OS development and the issues of training of future specialists in the field of operating systems; and business, devoted to the solution of business problems of developers and users of technologies for system programming.

To participate in the conference are invited developers and customers of the system software, such as the kernel and distributions of operating systems, hypervisors and virtualization, system performance and JIT translation bytecode, as well as software development tools, analysis and support of system software.

According to one of the organizers of the event – the company DZ Systems, in 2014 the opening ceremony of the first OS DAY conference was attended by the Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikiforov. On 9-10 June, the Minister has been invited to Kazan for the second conference OS DAY, and an Internet Forum “RIF. Innopolis 2015”, which will be held in the same days.

Details on the website

The press service of Technopark “Idea” according to the press service of DZ Systems

Photo: archive of the company DZ Systems 

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