5 may 2015

The first meeting of Mobile Developers’ Community has been held in April in Kazan. The meeting was organized by the employees of IT-companies group DZ Systems (resident of Technopark “Idea”) and teachers of the Higher School of Information Technologies and Systems (ITIS) of Faculty of Kazan Federal University.

DZ Systems organizes monthly meeting of developers in St. Petersburg, where participants of Mobile Developers’ Community became specialists from all over Russia. Objectives of the community are gaining practical knowledge and the exchange of useful contacts. From 2015 these meetings have been decided to hold in other cities, this practice began with Kazan.

At the first meeting of mobile developers in the capital of Tatarstan were speakers from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saransk, Kazan. It was attended by more than 60 people, students of KFU and experienced developers for iOS and Android, representatives of local IT companies. The meeting was lively; the speakers talked a lot with the audience, discussed topical issues of development. Indie-developer Sasha Cherny told about his own experience of creating interactive children’s books, Rustem Saitkulov, Android-developer of Digital Zone, made a vivid presentation and gave an overview of the libraries for implementing Material Design patterns. The evening was ended with a report of Technical Director of e-Legion Daniil Serdyukov “Code generation at compile stage” and a joint performance of Saransk colleagues from Webparadox Company, Technical Director Alexei Aleshkov and Android-developer Arthur Korchagin on the subject “Functional Reactive Programming”.

“I would say that the meeting was a real educational seminar, participants received practical knowledge and answers to all emerging questions, - noted Matvey Krimer, Director of DZ-Kazan. - Now we are planning to hold such events regularly, 3-4 times a year. For this we invite developers not only to listen and to discuss current challenges, but also to act as speakers, it has been announced at the first meeting in April”.

Press-service of DZ Systems

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