22 april 2015

Today, in Technopark “Idea” Minister of Education of the Novosibirsk region Sergey Nelyubov has been told about activities of the Center for Youth Innovation Creativity in the Republic of Tatarstan and work with young entrepreneurs.

CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko explained to the Minister the peculiarities of interaction between “Idea” and Russian and foreign innovative structures. In particular, Sergey Yushko told about the experience of working with the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN). “Idea” became the first Russian Technopark, accredited by the European Network. Since then, Technopark is actively implementing the best practices of using the performance assessment tools used by EBN in technoparks of Russia. Technopark of Novosibirsk became the third technopark in Russia accredited by EC-BIC standards - member of the European Business and Innovation Centre Network. In 2010, Technopark “Idea” became full member, in 2013 - Business Incubator of Krasnoyarsk.

“Idea” is working with the youth of the republic. One of the ways of interaction with the younger generation was the creation in Tatarstan the Center for Youth Innovation Creativity, the first of which opened in Technopark “Idea”.

The head of the project “Creation of Network of Centers for Youth Innovation Creativity (CYIC) in RT” Nikolai Nasonov demonstrated Sergey Nelyubov samples of work of pupils and students and told about prospects of development of the program.

Nikolai Nasonov also said that CYIC “Idea” is one of the organizers of the First All-Russian Contest “SH.U.STR.I.K.- 3D engineer”, which was launched on April 1, 2015. Contest participants should develop a model of detail in one of the graphic editors, and present their project made on modern equipment - 3D printers, laser installations and trimmers.

The competition is held in two stages. During the regional qualifying round (April 1 - April 30, 2015) contestants need to present a virtual 3D model. The winners of the regional stage will present the printed model in the framework of the Federal qualifying stage, which will be held from May 1 to May 30, 2015.

The results of the contest will be held in June 2015. The names of the winners will be announced at the awards ceremony. In addition to the diplomas the winner will be awarded with 3D printer IRON. Winner of second place will receive supplies for 3D printer, and the participant who won the third place will be able to raise the level of knowledge of 3D-modeling for free.

Become acquainted with the activities of the CCC “Idea”, Sergey Nelyubov noted the high level of organization of CYIC, and also suggested to consider options for cooperation.

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