20 april 2015

How to interest an investor, to find own way in the global market, to feel the market for a startup, aimed at the industrial sector of the economy - all these things have been told by the heads of the leading venture funds of the U.S.A and Europe in the framework of acceleration program for technology projects Kazan BootCamp.

The acceleration program is part of the educational program of the X Kazan and XV Russian Joint Venture Fair and is held in Technopark “Idea”.

The program consists of lectures, seminars, workshops, networking and other educational modules and systems of coaching, dedicated to the development of the business model, scientific and technological development of the project, attraction of investments, business planning, marketing, public relations, and other topics.

51 start-up projects have been claimed on Kazan BootCamp, the authors of which gathered in the capital of the Republic from Krasnoyarsk, St.Petersburg, Moscow and other cities of the country.

Today during the first day of the acceleration program Advisor to General Director of Pulsar Venture Capital, CEO of AgencyOne, founder and senior consultant of Mitrofanov&Partners Sergey Mitrofanov told about the features of presentations to investors, and also carried out the practical part, where each of aspiring entrepreneurs learnt to present his project for 30 seconds.

Tomorrow Director of the International Accelerator Kauffman Fellows Academy, partner of Global Innov8ion Inc., member of the Board of Singularity University (USA) Val Gerdes, partner of Seed Fund 500 Startups Marvin Liao and John Soberg (Expansive Ventures) will speak to entrepreneurs.

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