13 april 2015

In order to facilitate the expansion of foreign economic cooperation of subjects of small and medium-sized business of the Republic of Tatarstan Center for Export Support of the Republic of Tatarstan develops a catalog “Export goods of the Republic of Tatarstan. Small and Medium-sized Business”.

This Catalog will allow to present products of Tatarstan producers to foreign partners, and also will allow to take absentee participation in foreign exhibitions and fairs.

Information about a company in the Catalog will be published in both Russian and English languages, which will allow to distribute it and in trade representations of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan in foreign countries, as well as in business organizations and associations of enterprises abroad. Information about the exporters of the Republic of Tatarstan will allow representations most effectively facilitate networking Tatarstan small businesses with foreign partners.

Publication of information about a company in the Catalog is free of charge.

If you are interested in placing information about your company in the catalog, please fill in the questionnaire and send photos of products (Appendix) before 17 April 2015.

If you have any questions you can contact the Centre on tel: (843) 223-06-74 or e-mail:

Application for the Catalog

Questionnaire for the Catalog (send in WORD format and PDF)

Press service of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan

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