2 march 2015

Within the framework of a program of the Ministry of Economic Development Joint-Stock Company “Center for Robotics” launches prototyping services on 3D printer ProJet 3510 HD.

3D printer, which is located in the “Center for Robotics”, is used in such fields as microelectronics, medicine, dentistry, jewelry manufacturing, automotive, instrumentation and allows to create high-precision, durable plastic parts ideal for functional testing, marketing research, rapid production of prototypes of devices and tooling.

ProJet 3510 HD has two printing modes: HD and UHD. In the HD mode, the printing is carried out with a thickness of 32 microns, and in the UHD mode - 29 microns.

Recall, November 25, 2014, the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan announced about creation of the Joint-Stock Company “Center for prototyping and implementation of national robotics”.

The Center was created by a resident of Technopark “Idea” - company “Eidos Robotics” together with the Government on terms of private-public partnership. The main objective of the Center is to consolidate the efforts of small businesses involved in the development of robotics around the orders of large enterprises with the aim of import substitution.

Funds for the creation and development of the Center are provided within the framework of the subprogram “Development of small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014 – 2016 years”, which is included in the program “Economic development and innovation economy of RT for 2014 – 2020 years”.

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