27 february 2015

Demonstration workshop, dedicated to the appearance of new models and additional tools of analysis in the line of oscilloscopes Rohde & Schwarz, will take place on the 4th of March, 2015 at 4.00 pm in CYIC “Idea”.

Rohde & Schwarz   is one of the world leaders in the international market in the field of measuring equipment and radio communications. The company was founded in 1933 by scientists of Physical and Technical University in Jena (Germany) Lothar Rohde and Hermann Schwarz. As an independent family-owned company, Rohde & Schwarz relies in its development on its own resources.

Group of company Rohde & Schwarz works in the following directions:

  • Control and measuring equipment
  • Radio monitoring and direction finding
  • Digital and analog television and radio broadcasting
  • Radio system
  • Data protection and secure communication
  • Special equipment
  • Maintenance of equipment

On the Russian market of equipment Rohde & Schwarz has appeared since 1957. Since then, due to the technologies and innovative ideas of the employees of the company, Rohde & Schwarz has become one of the technological leaders for Russian customers of various government and law enforcement agencies.

The program of the workshop:

4.00 – 4.15 pm – About company Rohde & Schwarz  

4.15 – 5.00 pm - Overview and main features of oscilloscopes of Rohde & Schwarz.

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