10 february 2015

The Award is organized by the All-Russian Public Organization “OPORA RUSSIA” and the Autonomous Non-commercial Organization “Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects” (ASI) with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

A project “Medical robot simulators of a new generation” of a company LLC “Eidos-medicine”, representing the Republic of Tatarstan, was recognized the winner of the Award in the nomination “For useful”.

“There is such a point of view that business and social sphere are incompatible things. To prove the opposite, we just established this nomination. In the selection of projects were accounted for as revenue, and the number of beneficiaries”, - said Chief Executive Officer of ASI Andrey Nikitin, presenting the finalists.

Director of External and Internal Communications of ASI Igor Karachin stressed that the project at one time was presented and supported at the Supervisory Board of ASI by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Senior partner and Managing Director in the Moscow office of the Boston consulting group (BCG) Vladislav Butenko presented to the winner of the main prize from BCG Company - certificate for strategic session and training.

For reference:

The main objective of the Award “Business Success” is the search for the best projects in each category, as well as search for best practices on the development of the business environment at the municipal level, with the purpose of replicating successful experiences and business models at the system level.

For the award were received about 5,000 applications from 85 regions of Russia.

Photo and material from the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan

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