20 december 2014

The issues of the development of children’s technical creativity were discussed on December 20, 2014 in Kazan in Technopark “Idea’ by the leaders of Centers for Youth Innovative Creativity and teachers of additional education. During the meeting together with representatives of business and innovation centers and heads of small companies, educators also talked about the features of teaching technical subjects for students and talked about the issues that arise when working with modern equipment.

Opening the event, the Head of the Department of additional education for children of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan Elvira Safina noted the significant contribution of Technopark in the development of children's technical creativity: ““Idea” is a unique place. In 2007, for the first time in the Republic there was started the competition “Perspective”, which now is one of the nominations in the contest “50 Best Innovative Ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan”. In 2008, Technopark organized the Center of LEGO construction and robotics for students in lower school, and for high school students annually are held the contest “Erudite”. For students in 2006 was organized the program of innovative projects “Idea-1000”  (together with the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in scientific-technical sphere and the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of  Tatarstan). In 2013, here has been already opened Russia's first Center for Youth Innovative Creativity”.

CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko told the teachers about the new opportunities for development of technical education of children. He noted the main trends in technical disciplines, and also explained that it is important not just to teach, but it is necessary to interest children: “Of course, if students are given the task to prepare a 3d model of a complex object, they do, but often only because this task was given by the teacher. If we include in the process the students themselves, and they will make for themselves, for example, the heroes of animated films or fairy tales, then the interest on the part of the student will grow”.

During the meeting the Head of the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity “Idea” Nikolai Nasonov told about examples of interaction between CYIC and other objects of innovative infrastructure, and the Head of CYIC “Creative” (Bugulma) Evgeniya Chupakhina told about a system of interaction between CYIC and educational organizations.


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