1 december 2014

November 27-28, 2014 a Federal Economic Forum “Russian Cluster Week 2014”: the strategy of innovative development of Russia was being held in Moscow. Within the framework of panel sessions and round tables of the Forum, experts discussed the best Russian and foreign practices to develop an effective cluster policy, as well as the key components of the development success of regional clusters.

For Russia the cluster policy is relatively new management technology to increase national competiveness. In this connection, public policy, aimed at the development of clusters development, integrates the tools of industrial, scientific-technical, educational, regional and other policies, related to the development of innovative economy. The focus of the Forum is regional clusters, opening new opportunities for improving competiveness of individual sectors, regions and states.

CEO of “Idea” Sergey Yushko told at the Forum about the Nanotechnology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan, about the experience of interaction between Technopark and the European Community. He spoke at a panel session “Vectors of development”. The session was moderated by the Director of the Department of Innovative Development of the Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation Artem Shadrin. The panelists also spoke about the specifics of building an effective interaction with executive authorities. Sergey Yushko told about the experience with the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN) and the role of the state in the European technoparks.

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